How to enrol your child
Children may be waitlisted at our centre from birth and where you live does not affect where you can enrol your child.
There is a $20 non-refundable booking fee to place your child's name on our wait list. Our wait list is kept by year of age eligibility for Kindy, then strict chronological order in date of form received and payment receipt. The waiting list application form can be downloaded from here. This form can be printed and completed, or saved to your computer and completed in Adobe Reader using the 'Fill and Sign' option, and returned by email. You can download the current version of Adobe Reader free from their website.
If you would prefer to visit our centre, our Administration Officer will be happy to help with your enquiry. We ask that you ring in advance and make an appointment for these visits so that we can give you our full attention when you do come into our centre. Alternatively, you may telephone the office on 3378 4469 and request a wait-list form, and the information can be posted or emailed to you.
What happens next?
A letter of offer will be sent to parents in the June/July of the year prior to commencement, or for Pre-Kindy families, as children turn 3 throughout the year. Families then either accept or decline the offer of a placement in our Pre-Kindy or Kindergarten Program. Once we have received your acceptance, and you have secured your place with a $175 non-refundable booking confirmation fee, you will be invited to attend an initial interview with your child's teacher.
This allows parents and teachers to discuss requirements and assist in making the transition into our centre a positive one.
During which year/s can my child attend Kindergarten?
The cut-off dates for Kindergarten age-eligibility can be found below.
Can I enrol my 3 year old in the Kindergarten Program?
If you would like to enrol your 3 year old into the Kindergarten program, the above process is also applicable, although offers are based upon availability in our centre. We are unable to send out placement offers for children younger than the kindergarten-eligible age until the third week of November of the year prior to commencement. The enrolment of 3 year olds into the Kindergarten program remains at the discretion of our Director, with a view to the needs of each group.